Take a universe of interactive stories with you.
The world tells its stories in many wonderful ways, and Tap by Wattpad is where you’ll find immersive, interactive storytelling. Tap stories mashup mixed-medium storytelling and choose-your-own-ending twists, pulling you deeper into each story with every ‘tap’. The result? interactive stories you won’t want to put down.
With Tap, you’re the main character of your favorite stories. In Daughter of the Night, find yourself drawn into the morally ambiguous world of vampires. In Marie Kondo-inspired story Tidying Up the Universe you’ll decide: what parts of the universe will spark joy or which will you thank, then destroy? And in A Royal Deception, go undercover as a princess to seduce a prince long enough for him to lose his throne… Tap stories use animated text, choices, video, chat messages, and stunning imagery to create a world of mobile stories that captivate.
A home for interactive creators
Wattpad has always been the home for diverse creators and their stories. Since 2006, Wattpad has been hailed as a safe and inclusive community for narrative fiction writers and readers all around the world. With Tap, we’re working to build a future where everyone’s world is possible, and all independent games and interactive stories belong. Interested in creating your own interactive stories? Upload your Twine or create your own stories for Tap. Visit taptaptap.co to join our Tap Beta Creator Program.
世界以许多奇妙的方式讲述它的故事,而Wat by Wattpad则是您可以找到身临其境,互动的讲故事的地方。点击故事mashup混合媒体讲故事和选择你自己结束的曲折,每个“点击”让你更深入地了解每个故事。结果?你不想放下的互动故事。
有了Tap,你就是你最喜欢的故事的主角。在“夜之女”中,发现自己陷入了道德模糊的吸血鬼世界。在Marie Kondo启发的故事中,整理宇宙,你将决定:宇宙的哪些部分会激发喜悦,或者你会感谢,然后毁灭?而在皇家欺骗中,作为一个公主秘密地引诱王子足够让他失去王位......点击故事使用动画文本,选择,视频,聊天消息和令人惊叹的图像创造一个迷人的移动故事世界。
Wattpad一直是各种创作者及其故事的家。自2006年以来,Wattpad一直被誉为世界各地叙事小说作家和读者的安全和包容性社区。通过Tap,我们正在努力构建一个每个人都有可能的未来,所有独立游戏和互动故事都属于您。有兴趣创建自己的互动故事吗?上传您的Twine或为Tap创建自己的故事。访问taptaptap.co加入我们的Tap Beta Creator计划。